
Wellbeing Conversations

Designed For:

Anyone / Peer-to-Peer


Online or F2F


1 x 2 Hour Session

No. of Delegates

Up to 20

For anyone who wants to get better at having a conversation to empathise and signpost further support with someone struggling with their mental health

What does the Course aim to achieve?

Having a conversation with someone struggling and signposting them to further specialist support is a skill we can all get better at – and not the domain of the specialist. This wellbeing conversations course supports you to gain confidence in starting those conversations, in non-judgmental listening and in signposting for further support.

This course is recommended to be run as a two-part series, preceded by Introduction to Wellbeing and Resilience in the Workplace.

Learning Outcomes

The learner will understand how to have a good wellbeing conversation by using our ABC mnemonic and practice through listening exercises and case study:

Note: this session does not include an Introduction to Mental Health and therefore assumes an understanding of stress, mental health, and ill health, and the mental health continuum. If your teams have not had mental health awareness training, we can provide a short animated video for the learner to watch beforehand or run a further session prior to the conversations course.

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