Women in Health & Safety

Come and celebrate with us at Anticipate London 2-4 December, ExCeL
Join Our Free Membership
Women in Health and Safety is a thriving network of people who support gender equality and want to see women flourish in our profession. We connect in-person and online and is free to join.
All about the Women in Health and Safety network
Heather Beach in partnership with SHP, works with a committee to determine the best direction for the network and there are currently the following workstreams:
As well as running flagship events determined by the committee, this workstream also facilitates interested parties to run their own events. See below to register for any of our existing events. If you are interested in running an event under the aegis of Women in Health and Safety, please complete the form here.
This workstream collaborates with other mentoring initiatives within health and safety to provide a conduit for members looking to be mentored or to support a mentee. There are regular events held – please see below for upcoming dates.
Getting Young People into H&S
Getting young people into health and safety– this workstream is currently working with a number of other UK initiatives to support making health and safety a more diverse profession.
Amplifying Female Voices
Here we work with our partners at SHP, to support finding speakers and writers from a diverse group.
Find Out More about the History of the Network and Past Events