CPD for Mental Health First Aiders and Wellbeing Champs
Designed For:
Anyone / Peer-to-Peer
Online or F2F
Half-day or 3-hour online session
No. of Delegates
Up to 20
Refresh the principles of MHFA/FAMH and gain the confidence to have the necessary conversations
What does the Course aim to achieve?
The aim of this course is to support any peer-to-peer programme you have in place such as MHFA. This course, preceded by a survey, consists of a debrief of what is going well and where participants struggle with aspects of the role; a closer look at one or two of the key aspects (depending on results from the survey this could be something like supporting remote workers or boundaries of the role) and some CPD on a wellbeing related topic.
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes may differ dependent on the results of your survey but could include the following:
- How to spot signs of someone struggling and approach them remotely
- Signposting/boundaries of the role /improvements to the process, promotion and support from the organisation
- One of the courses from our “individual wellbeing” programme which consists of the following modules:
- Managing stress, uncertainty and worry
- Introduction to Wellbeing and Resilience
- Introduction to Applied Positive Psychology (the science of thriving)
- Healthy Habit Building Mindfulness for busy people
- Sleep – the difference between energy and fatigue